Jayn's Addiction

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I worked with Jayn as my coach/counsellor in early 2021. Watch out, fellow sufferers of Sugar Addiction, you’re about to engage a very well credentialed and professional counsellor/ally!

Her “superpower” – that which sets her apart – is her own personal story, challenges, and successes with the pain of persistent addiction in her past.

Quickly and effectively, Jayn related to me. She connected, empathized, and soon we were able to plot a way out of my trap! Add to this her powerful active-listening skills, and a very hard-to-find combination of being sensitive to your needs, while also employing a no-nonsense approach.

In summary – Jayn’s expertise and support to me at the beginning of my sugar-sobriety journey were instrumental to my finally achieving an on-going, sustainable recovery from the Sugar-Hell that was negatively impacting every aspect of my life. Thank you sooo much Jayn.

Petchaburi Province, Thailand

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Jayn Steele is deeply committed to helping people become free of food addiction. She has studied a variety of complementary modalities which gives her a deep and broad base of knowledge to draw from. She is also deeply committed to her own abstinence which makes her believable and trustworthy.

And, of course, the therapeutic food program/plan [which Jayn recommended] was an essential key.

I have now lost 43 lbs (from my heaviest) and have been abstinent from my addictive foods for more than six months.

Vermont, USA

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I fully believe in Jayn’s program. I recommend her assessment and coaching to anyone who’s struggling or ‘unsure’ if they have eating-process and food addiction.

Jayn offers an approach that differs from the mainstream treatment method. The hardest thing is letting the people that need it know about it.

I initially came to Jayn because I couldn’t stop bingeing, purging and starving on my own. My health was deteriorating and I was putting food/eating problems before relationships. I had seen another severely underweight person get well working with Jayn, and Jayn understood me and my behaviours.

I’ve never been able to trust my therapists before but because I know Jayn has been on my same journey, I know that she knows the way out and I was able to trust her.

If you’re like me and identify with being a food addict, there is no other treatment plan that works. Hospitals and other ‘eating disorder’ professionals just made me worse.

Here’s what is working for me with Jayn’s approach:

New South Wales, Australia

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I found Jayn at a place of hopelessness. I had tried so many things and continued to fail; I knew I was addicted to food but I could not stop the cycle on my own.

Jayn’s compassion and group support process helped me make a huge pivot in my ability to stay abstinent and have compassion for myself.

Washington State, USA

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Being in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, is what led me to Jayn. I was ready to shift my life and leave my prison for the freedom of recovery from the noose around my neck that food created.

Here are the top three reasons I would recommend doing an assessment and working with Jayn:

  1. She provides a game changing perspective and practical system in how to handle food and life
  2. The freedom experienced by those who assimilate the knowledge Jayn imparts to her groups and community
  3. The understanding, compassion, empathy and love that genuinely comes from Jayn

British Columbia, Canada

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I initially came to get a food addiction assessment with Jayn to lose weight, lower my blood glucose levels and reduce my high cholesterol – all of which have happened.

My top 3 reasons I recommend working with Jayn are:

  1. Her knowledge of food addiction and her vast knowledge of the science behind sugar, flour and carb addiction
  2. Her network of addiction counselors, coaches, various treatments etc. She can point you in the right direction if struggling with something else or for a family/friend
  3. Her passion for food addiction recovery; she gives her all to this program.

Alberta, Canada
