Jayn's Addiction

What is SUGAR®?

SUGAR® is a structured evaluation tool that examines a client’s relationship with food, eating behaviour and its related consequences.

Prior to SUGAR®, there was no diagnostic instrument available for “food addiction”, other than screening tools including S-UNCOPE, Yale scale, and various self-assessment questionnaires.

SUGAR® is based on the diagnostic criteria for “harmful use” and “addiction” to mind-altering (psychoactive) drugs as described in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Recent research shows certain foods, particularly processed and highly palatable foods, can act as psychoactive drugs on the brain’s reward system, especially those predisposed to addiction.

SUGAR® is a tool for professionals who work with people who may have developed an addiction to food and/or eating behaviours.

SUGAR® results determine whether a client has “harmful use” or “addictive use” to food, or manageable eating behaviours. The addiction symptom chart illustrates the development and progression of a client’s relationship with food and eating in chronological order. It is a strong motivational tool, providing clinically proven data in support of successful treatment.